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Atkinson, W. / THE NEXT NEW MADRID EARTHQUAKE, A SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR THE MIDWEST, Carbondale, 1989, pb, 210 pages, - 3 -, $ 20

Baldwin, J. E. and Sitar, N. / LOMA PRIETA EARTHQUAKE: Engineering Geologic Perspectives, Sudbury, 1991, pb, 170 pages, - 2 -, $ 30

Barazangi, M. and Brown, L., Ed. / REFLECTION SEISMOLOGY: A GLOBAL PERSPECTIVE, 1986, cl, American Geophysical Union Geodynamics Series Volume 13, - 3 -, $ 60

Engdahl / GSA DNAG Map 4 / SEISMICITY MAP OF NORTH AMERICA, 1987, four folded sheets, - 3 -, $ 10

Fischer, W. A. / YELLOWSTONE’S LIVING GEOLOGY with an Interpretation of the 1959 Earthquakes and their Effects in Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Park, 1960, pb, 62 pages, 37 plates (2 in pocket), 8 figs., 3 tables, - 3 -, $ 12

Fuller, M. L. / THE NEW MADRID EARTHQUAKE (A SCIENTIFIC FACTUAL FIELD ACCOUNT), USGS Bulletin 494, 1912, pb, 119 pages, 10 plates (1 in pocket), 18 figs., - 3 -, $ 20

Geyer, R. A., Ed. / LESSONS IN SEISMIC COMPUTING, Tulsa, 1959, cl, 268 pages, - 3 -, $ 25

Healy, D.,, Ed. / FAULTING, FRACTURING AND IGENOUS INTRUSION IN THE EARTH’S CRUST, Geological Society of London SP No. 367, London, 2012, cl, 253 pages, 116 figs., - 1 -, $ 69

Hollis, E. P. / BIBLIOGRAPHY OF EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING, 3rd Edition, Oakland, 1971, cl, 247 pages, - 2 -, $ 35

Johnson, A. C., / THE NEW MADRID SEISMIC ZONE, SPECIAL ISSUE IS SEISMOLOGICAL RESEARCH LETTERS, Volume 63, No. 3, July - September 1992, pb, pages 191 - 490, microfiche inside back cover, - 3 -, $ 28

Levy, M. and Salvadori, M. / WHY THE EARTH QUAKES: The Story of Earthquakes and Volcanoes, New York, 1955, cl, 215 pages, - 1 -, $ 20

Neumann, F. / EARTHQUAKE INTENSITY AND RELATED GROUND MOTIONS, Seattle, 1954, afb, 77 pages, 16 figs., - 5 -, $ 10

Penick, J. L., Jr. / THE NEW MADRID EARTHQUAKES, Revised Edition, Columbia, 1990, pb, 176 pages, - 2 -, $ 20

Ritchie, D. / THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF EARTHQUAKES AND VOLCANOES, New York, 1994, cl, 232 pages, - 5 -, $ 35

Ritchie, D. / SUPER-QUAKE: Why Earthquakes Occur and When the Big One Will Hit, New York, 1988, pb, 185 pages, $ 10

Rogers, A. M., / USGS Professional Paper 1560 / ASSESSING EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS AND REDUCING RISK IN THE PACIFIC NORTHWEST, Volume 1 - INTRODUCTION, TECTONIC SETTING, TECTONICS AND GEOPHYSICS, 306 pages, 3 plates (on 5 sheets); Volume 2 - EARTHQUAKE HAZARDS, IMPLEMENTATION, pages 307 - 545, plates 4 - 9, 250 figs., 1996, housed in two locktite boxes for preservation, $ 90

Serva, L. and Slemmons, D. B., Ed. / PERSPECTIVES IN PALEOSEISMOLOGY, AEG SP6, Sudbury, 1995, pb, 139 pages, - 1 -, $ 20 [Covers Western United States and Italy primarily]

Simpson, D. W. and Richards, P. G. / EARTHQUAKE PREDICTION: An International Review, American Geophysical Union, Maurice Ewing Series 4, 1981, cl, 680 pages, - 3 -, $ 65

Slemmons, D. B. / NEOTECTONICS OF NORTH AMERICA, Boulder, 1991, cl, 498 pages, was $ 20; now $ 10

Stein, S. and Mazzotti, S. / CONTINENTAL INTRAPLATE EARTHQUAKES: SCIENCE, HAZARD, AND POLICY ISSUES, GSA SP 425, Boulder, 2007, pb, 207 pages, - 2 -, $ 25

Udden, J. A. / THE SOUTHWEST EARTHQUAKE OF JULY 03, 1925 [Panhandle of Texas], University of Texas Bulletin # 2609, 1926, 32 pages, 1 plate, - 3 -, $ 6

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